You're not alone.....

If you're reading this blog, you most likely fall into one of three types of persons: 1. Someone who is struggling or concerned about your porn use or immoral sexual habits. 2. A spouse or loved one of someone addicted to or struggling with porn use or immoral sexual habits. 3. Someone who is interested and/or concerned about the growing epidemic or porn use and sexual immorality within society at large, and in our Catholic community specifically.

In any case, welcome. This blog will be a resource.

This site is for or men who realize that porn and sexual immorality has trashed their marriages and lives. For young men who suddenly realize that they, for some reason, cannot stop their sexual habits for any significant period of time. It is also a source for wives, mothers and girlfriends who don't understand what is happening to their husbands, sons and boyfriends.

This is not a debate forum. If you feel the need to defend your porn use or sexually immoral practices, well, good luck with that. Please exit this site - and come back when you realize that you cannot sustain an intimate relationship; when you tire of spending gobs of money and time trying to satisfy your sexual proclivities; when you realize that living a dual life isn't making you any happier and is exhausting.

We'll be right here and won't judge you. Welcome back.

Any long journey starts with the first step......

Daily Plan for Men

Daily Plan for Men

If you haven't already, please read the other listed pages first. This plan only works if you understand how this plan fits into your battle and how powerful your faith can be as you emerge into the person you want to be.....and were made to be.
Having sexual integrity is a constant battle for men. Just like aggression, sexual variety is hard wired into our nature. We need to control both. As men, we don't constantly walk around beating up those who makes us angry or frustrated. We control that impulse ...and society advocates that we control that behavior.
With the same enthusiasm, we have to be on guard with our natural impulse for sexual expression and variety. The difference is society doesn't have our back in this regard. Quite the opposite in fact. Our secular culture encourages and makes excuses for our immoral sexual behavior.
Make no mistake, there are cultural and spiritual forces that mean to separate you from God and your Catholic faith. So, this is what CSI recommends men to do on a daily basis.....whether or not you are sexually tempted.

Waking up:
Find 20 minutes to pray the Rosary. You have a Rosary, don't you? There are many resources to learn to pray the Holy Rosary. Just search online or find a pamphlet at your church. Many men do this on their drive to work before they turn on the radio. Others do this while commuting on the train. Once you get used to it, it really only takes 20 minutes to recite the Rosary.

If you are currently unemployed, a student perhaps with afternoon classes or have the kind of job where your mornings are free or flexible, go to daily Mass. Nothing is better for you than to partake of the body of our Lord on a daily basis.

Entertain this visual as you consume the Holy Eucharist: See the Eucharist as consuming pure light. As you walk back to your pew, actually visualize and feel that light radiate throughout your body.
To your toes and fingertips.

Ask, "Lord, find the darkness within me - all the little nooks and crannies - where darkness resides. Purify these spaces and replace it with your heavenly light and mercy. As I consume you Lord, please consume me."

The Angelus - Recite this ancient prayer before you consume your lunch. First, say three Hail Mary. Then recite, "Pour forth, we beseech Thee, O Lord, Thy grace into our hearts; that we, to whom the incarnation of Christ, Thy Son, was made known by the message of an angel, may by His Passion and Cross be brought to the glory of His Resurrection, through the same Christ Our Lord. Amen"
Write it on a cue/index card or type it into your cell phone so you always have it with you.

Make a brief examination of conscience before you go to bed. 2 or 3 minutes will suffice. *Place yourself in the presence of God: Recognize his strength and your weakness. Tell him: "Lord, if you will, you can make me clean."*

*Examine your Conscience: Be sincere. Did I often consider that God is my Father? Did I offer him my work? Did I make good use of my time? Did I pray slowly and with attention? Did I try to make life pleasant for other people? Did I criticize anyone? Was I forgiving? Did I pray and offer some sacrifices for the Church, for the pope, and for those round me? Did I allow myself to be carried away by sensuality? By pride?

*Make an act of contrition: Sorrowfully, ask our Lord's pardon.

*Make a specific resolution for tomorrow: -To stay away from certain temptations -To avoid some specific faults -To exert special effort to practice some virtue -To take advantage of occasions for improvement If you are single, pray an Our Father, Hail Mary and a Glory Be.

*If you are married, ask your wife to pray these 3 prayers with you before bed. Make it a nightly habit. You will find this to have a binding and loving effect on you both.

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